Nearly Pulled In | Teen Ink

Nearly Pulled In

February 22, 2017
By Anonymous

I could not resist the force of his tugging, he was about to pull me in. After having such a good time, I was sad it had to come to an end. I swam, ran, played and did so many things with all my family members. My last day in Lebanon is today, I am going fishing with my dad’s friend who is a very good fisherman. When we get to his house, we eat breakfast and play card. It’s about noon when we decide to go to the boat, then to the ocean to fish. It was a bumpy ride until we got deep. The first time we throw our lines, we’re very deep into the ocean. We put out many lines around the boat and we wait for anything to pull, many little and medium size fish grab on the line and we reel them in and put them in a compartment. I keep on catching fish until I see a hard tug from one of the lines. I quickly get up from where I was sitting and rush to the line. I unhook the pole from the boat and hold it in my hands with a tight grasp, immediately after, there are many more tugs. Fifth graders don’t have big muscles, but I am pulling with all my might. The fish keeps on tugging different directions. It has been so long, my muscles are wearing out. I could feel a drop of sweat roll down my cheek, I could feel my heart thumping. I swim, and a fifth grader who swims has muscles, but this fish is really testing my strength. I can feel my muscles losing control, I can’t hold on for much longer. I really feel like cutting the line. I keep on pulling and trying to reel it in. The tugging keeps on going and it lasts for a long time. I can’t resist the force of the tugging, he is about to pull me in. I have so little strength in me, I knew I have to make one hard last try. With all my might, I keep on pulling and reeling in the fish, I feel my muscles throbing. It feels like something’s knocking on my arms from the inside. I pull the fish up to the surface of the water and I it see splashing. I am very eager to catch this fish so I reel in the fish a little bit more. After I see it, I reeled him in closer, I pulled with all my might. At this moment, it feels like the world is in slow motion. I see the fish coming right over the rim of the boat. I feel myself falling down and I let go of the pole and I see the pole coming down right on top of me. I fall down the pole coming down on me right after. I look up to see if the fish is on the boat. A couple yards away from me, the fish was flopping around the boat floor like a person struggling for air. He desperately tries to get back to the water. Hanji walks over and picks up the fish and says, “That’s a big one.” I stand up and I see that the fish is very big compared to my size. The fish is dark in color and its eyes are wide open. I felt more sweat rolling down my cheek, my chest was thumping, and my legs were quivering. After he shows me the fish, he puts it in the compartment, which is filled with water; The fish will survive, for a little longer. After I many fish, we decide to go back to shore. When we get back to the shore, Hanji wraps all the fish and puts them in a bag. After he finishes wrapping them up, we go back to the apartment we stayed in with my aunt. When I got back, I gave my aunt the fish and played with my cousins. My aunt called everyone for dinner and I ate all the fish I could eat. It is the best thing I have ever eaten in my life.

The author's comments:

Seeing my family in my dad's country and my relatived for the first time. 

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