Put Dreaming on Hold, Live in the Moment | Teen Ink

Put Dreaming on Hold, Live in the Moment

December 11, 2016
By AhriaSimons BRONZE, Sheffield, Massachusetts
AhriaSimons BRONZE, Sheffield, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today, People often spend too much time thinking about what the future holds for them. The amount of time people exert to worrying about issues out of their control leaves them often time stressed and worried. Not to be mistaken, there is nothing wrong with thinking about the future, but don't lose sight of what is going on in your life on a day-to-day basis.

Think about it.

As kids, all under the age of 18 we all should embrace our present day life. Appreciate how lucky you are to be at a school which has opened the door for students from all different ethnicities and background to further not only their athletic endeavours but also their academic. Many students in the student body here  can confidently state that their life would not be complete without school.

Appreciate it.

We, most of us in the class of 2017 or 2018 must enjoy our time here. In reality, once you enter college, the closest thing to Pro-Vita is a Co-up and the bond you have worked hard to create with friends and faculty members will not be replicated. The prestigious events and experiences on offer should be taken advantage of. As someone once quoted, “ It's better to look back and say ‘Wow, I can't believe I did that,’ than to look back and say, ‘I wish I did that.’” This quote has been the benchmark for some of the most outgoing people in the world. Messages and quotes such as this are beneficial with portraying the message for people to make the most out of their opportunities. Living life in the present moment may be one of the best decisions someone can make in their life. It the end, no one wants to have regrets. Regrets are one of the worst feelings someone can have.

Get after it.

Our school has been home to many people who have went on and endured their fair share of success. Taking advantage of the opportunities presented exposes you to many traits and experiences that you may not find anywhere else. ProVita is a good resource for having the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and try something new. Who wouldve thought that students aged 14-18 would have the opportunity to go to countries such as Iceland, Spain, Ghana and West Africa to participate in a one week program where you have the chance to understand a variation of cultures from countries other than the United States.Ensorcelling.  In today's society, what others think of you can make or break you. Many of us, myself included, are often concerned with that others think of you. We are often influenced by our friends, and sometimes restrain ourselves from stretching out due to the impact of our friends. However, it is immensely important to not allow this to control your destiny. Do not allow it to restrict any ideals and goals you want to pursue.


Try it.

Majority of your closes friends will be made in high school, go out stretch your arms out a bit and maximize your social circle. You don't have to be close with everyone you meet, but it is important to broaden the spectrum of people you know. Open up both your heart and eyes and meet someone new today. Quite truthfully, you can't control your past, nor can you control your future, but you can control the habits and actions you partake in everyday.

Change it.

With, more often that not, a six day schedule and all the pressure placed on us in such an engaging environment, we should embrace the free time we have. Saturday nights aren't necessarily for work, save that for Sundays. Saturday nights should be used as a time to relax, have fun and create the memories which you will never forget. Some of the greatest moments of my life have come from being here. The fact that you have so much to your disposal should not be taken for granted. It is a necessity to see school as a blessing and take this opportunity by the hand. Be courageous.

Embrace it.

The author's comments:

I am a junior in high school in Sheffield, Mass who comes from a lower middle class family in the island of Bermuda. I have enjoyed every single moment of my time here and school has allowed me to maximize my potential as a student AND an athelte. I look to motivate people around me to not freak about things that are not in their control. Junior year is often the most stressful year for students, however, for me, not so much. I have embraced the trials and tributlations that have come along with junior year and I have not been stressed out as much as other students around me. I look to putmore time and effort into the present day rather than in the future. Ultimately, what you do now affects your future which makes it important to focus on the now, rather than the later. I chose the image of the walkway due to the meaning behind the essay. I want the reader to be willing to take that walk down an unknown path, and try something new. 

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