The 2005 Roadtrip | Teen Ink

The 2005 Roadtrip

November 4, 2016
By 18salluc@viroquablackhawk SILVER, Viroqua, Wisconsin
18salluc@viroquablackhawk SILVER, Viroqua, Wisconsin
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When I was five my family and I went on road trip from my hometown of Kansas City, Missouri to Viroqua, Wisconsin. The night before the trip we started packing our bags, everyone was excited. My sister Madison and I had go to bed very early at 7 O’Clock, because we were going to leave at 3 A.M in the morning. The first thing I packed was my toy cars, next I packed some clothes, the final thing I packed was a pillow and blanket. The next morning when me and my sister got up it was still dark outside we proceeded to brush our teeth.  Then my mother said, “It is time to go.” I responded by saying, “okay.” We left the apartment complex and we had to stop to get drinks. I fell asleep for three hours. When I woke up I got to see the sun come up. Then we stopped at a Kum & Go and ate breakfast. When we got back into the car it started to pour rain. Then we left Kum & Go. As we left I said, “hey look mom aren’t those windmills.” She said, “Yea Lucas those are windmills.”

We kept on driving after that until we stopped and got lunch. We stopped at the boondocks in Iowa to eat lunch. When we were driving through Minnesota I saw lots of windmills and lots of farm land. As we crossed over the Mississippi River and the sight of the bluffs the sight was awe inspiring. As we drove through La Crosse for the first time in my short life of 5 years I saw the Granddad bluffs. We kept on driving until we got to Viroqua, Wisconsin. When we got in town we went to my grandmother’s house. My grandmother’s house was by a huge cemetery. When we arrived there my grandmother said, “hi.” My mother responded by, “Good to see you mom.” Then my grandfather came up to me, “Hello Lucas how are you doing.” I respond by saying, “I’ve been ok what about you.” He responds by saying, “I’ve been good.” I spent the night there while my sister went with my parents to the Midway Motel. That morning at my grandparents house I woke up, ate breakfast, and my parents came and got me then we went to the Midway motel. Then my parents told me how we were going to go to our Great Grandma’s Burton’s house later to meet with her. Then when we got there we met her and she told us that we were allowed to go and colour in her sunroom. Then she came and got us and walked us down to the road to Uncle Jack’s house and we met with him. The first thing he says to us, “It’s nice to meet you Lucas and Madison.” Then he says, “I’m going to show you around my farm.” Then he shows us around his farm the animals, and all the equipment. He even let us pet some of the animals. Then we went back to our grandma’s Burton's house to eat dinner. As we were leaving the house it started thunderstorming. We went back to the Midway Motel after that and slept. When we woke up that morning we ate breakfast then my mom told me that we were going to go visit the bethel home to visit our Great Grandfather Benjamin. Then we left to go to the Bethel home. The first thing he says to us is, “Who are you?” Then Madison and I respond with, “We are your grandchildren.” “It's nice to meet you,” he says. We stay there for about another thirty minutes then we go to our grandparents house and eat lunch and dinner there. We left there at around 7:30 and went back to the motel. We got to the motel we went to bed, Me and my sister got woke up at 8:30 am by our parents the next morning. That morning we ate breakfast, After breakfast our mother told us” We are going to the cemetery to visit one of great great grandfather’s grave.”  We respond by saying “Okay”.

Then we leave the motel  around 10 o'clock that morning. When we arrive at the cemetery it is cloudy and foggy outside. When we get our great great grandfather’s grave me and my sister put flowers by his tomb stone. Then after that we leave the cemetery and go to our grandparent's which happens to be right by the cemetery. When we arrived at our grandparent’s house they were outside. The first thing they said to us was “Hi its nice to see you, We respond to that by saying “It’s nice to see you to.” Our grandfather asks our parents if it okay if he takes us outside, my parents give him the okay and then he takes us outside and shows us his yard. Then me by myself walk up to a row of tall bushes in his yard and look through them to see a field of flowers on the other side of the row of tall bushes. I then point this out by saying “Hey grandpa when you look through those tall bushes you can see a field.” My grandfather responses to that by saying “Yes you can see a field.” We eat dinner and we leave their house at about 8 o'clock. When we get back to the Midway motel we go to bed. The next morning we get up at about 9 o'clock and eat breakfast. Then at about 10 o'clock we leave the motel and go to our grandparent’s house. When we get there they are outside again. When we get out of the car they tell us to go inside. Then when we are inside my grandfather tells us we going to go to meet his mother and see her house which is just down the street. Then we walk outside and walk to her house. When get to her front door grandfather knocks on the door and she opens the door and says “Hello Myron, who do have with you?” , He responds saying “These are my grandchildren. She says “Hi it is nice meet you guys what are your names. Me and Madison respond by saying “Our names are Lucas and Madison.” She responds to that by saying “Those are nice names.” We keep talking for about another five minutes, Then we walk back to my grandparent’s house and stay there long enough eat dinner. We leave there at about 7 o’clock and head back to the motel to prepare to leave. The next morning we woke up at about 8 o’clock and ate breakfast after that we packed up our things and left the motel.

The end

The author's comments:

This a true story about a road me and my family went on When I was five.

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