The Trip | Teen Ink

The Trip

October 31, 2016
By Anonymous

Like a brick hitting the floor it was the loudest crash I had ever heard in my life.  All I could hear was screaming and questions.  There were bright flashing lights and people scrambling towards and around my little brother.  It all happened so fast I didn’t even know what was going on.  

It was around lunch time and we were heading to the zoo with my little brothers and their friends.  The car ride was not my cup of tea due to my littlest brothers tiny attention span, patience, and overall mood.  I was squished between two huge car seats in they way back of Jessi's car.  Finally we arrived and the parking lot was decently full so it took a little while before getting out of the car.   

It was a nice calm day at the zoo a pretty nice day for my little brothers first zoo trip.  Isaac demanded Superman ice cream so we stopped by the nearest treat shop and got a snack.  By far this was literally the saltiest chocolate ice cream I have ever tasted in my life; it was seriously like drinking salt water straight out of the ocean.  I was surprised my brothers liked it, they all got a twist of vanilla and chocolate in a waffle bowl that they insisted on having.  They did not even eat the waffle bowl (the best part of ice cream).

Speaking of ocean fish are like my family's favorite at the zoo so we headed that way.  I really do not like the penguins that live at John Ball they always run around and screech.  They smell nasty too.  On the way there we were talking about how and why the penguins waddle (my littlest brother runs like one).

We got to the tall cement aquarium and it honestly was really frightening when I walked in the door it was all dark and it smelled muggy.  The tide pool is a family favorite. The loud crashes when the waterfall starts scare my brother every time even if he is paying attention.  We like looking at the sea anemones sway back and forth and the neon hair like flippers pulsing in and out. 


Owen and I went over to the octopus and it was inking all over the place.  I have actually been scared of them for a really long time because they are like color changing and big and scary.  Isaac and Nolan were over in the area where the penguins live.  They like penguins because they watch them dive and swim in the pool.   They were in awe of the weird faces and noises they were making, the penguins too! 

All of a sudden the loudest bang I have ever heard, Isaac was running and he tripped and fell right on his soft little head on the concrete floor.  At first we thought it was the tide pool but then we just realized he was crying so hard he was holding his breath.  My mom ran over to see if he was okay but he was very hurt.  By the time she had even picked him up he already had a ping pong ball sized bump on his head. It was a mix of purple, red, and green thankfully there was no blood.

I was so scared I had no idea what to do, we were at the zoo in the aquarium with 4 kids not including Isaac and I needed to get them out of the way.  My Mom’s friend Jessi called an ambulance while I was keeping myself together in the corner.  I needed to get the kids out of the way so they could check out Isaac as quick as possible so I decided to stand on the statue and start  playing and intense game of simon says with the kids trying to get their mind off of the crying.

First the fire rescue truck came to make sure it wasn’t life threatening. They left and moments later an ambulance showed up.  I thought the ambulance was loud when I am inside the car holy crap I thought my ears were going to burst.

The ambulance had two paramedics in it one of them was incredibly calm and kind to my mom the other surprisingly was repeating that Isaac needed to get in the truck and get to Devos he was not the kind of guy for this job.  Mr. Joe the nicer one was checking Isaac and playing with him while the zoo manager was asking my mom many random questions like “ Ma’am what did he trip on,”  and  “ Was it something wrong with the aquarium?”  I think that they were scared they were going to be sued.  Fortunately for them my brothers lack of grace and caution it was just him tripping on air.  I have about the same skill level and I have been walking for 10 years

Isaac was done crying by now and the zoo was closed so Isaac got the Ok to go home with minor injuries.  He did not break any bones or even bleed his skin was still in tact.  He was exhausted from his crazy day.  We loaded him into the car with his sunglasses that Joe gave him, I would think he would remember that he almost died but those sunglasses were the highlight to his day.  On the ride home he did not even cry he was falling asleep though.  He eventually fell asleep with his sunglasses on. 

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