The Day I Lost Him | Teen Ink

The Day I Lost Him

October 19, 2016
By mpelwell BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
mpelwell BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My stomach started to turn when I laid my hand to to handle to the double doors of my high school. The halls had been unsettling silent as my friend and I made our way to our first classes. I tried to brush off the feeling that something was wrong. Although when the door to the classroom flung open, the feeling came back and hit me like a slap to the face. Everything went from bad to worse as I looked around the room, seeing that not only the room was empty, but his chair was empty.

Running through the door was another friend who told me the rumor that she had heard about him. When I heard the words “he  committed suicide” come out of her mouth, my heart sunk. My friend looked at me and asked if I was okay. But i didn't have words. I didn’t have the words to say that I wanted to go home.  That I wanted to be with him wherever he was. I didn’t have the words to say I hated life in that moment. So, I had run from the room, and found one of my best friends, other than him. I found the one friend that I knew would feel the same way about him. Because of her, the three of us had become such good friends.

All she asked me was “what happened?” I couldn’t answer her, I still didn't have words. Until her eyes filled with anger, and her fists went into balls, she was about to swing because nobody wanted to be the bad guy and say the word aloud. “Lindsey, I’ll tell you in a minute.” I said to her as I followed my first instinct which at the moment told me to protect her and not to let her break in front of what felt like half the school. All I can remember is her babbling on, and telling me how bad of a friend I was for keeping it from her. “He died,” was the only thing I could say to her as tears fell from my cheeks.

She tried walking away until she made it to the hallway that the three of us would walk down after our first hour every day. The two of us collided and then collapsed in the middle. After that moment, our teacher came out of the class and started crying right along with us. After that moment, they made us sit in a classroom and talk about our feeling for the next hour.

Although on the 10 of most months, along with every other day, he is on my mind. I still laugh at the thought of all the inside jokes. How one day while we were sitting in class, he had gotten all three of his cell phones taken away. I still smile at the thought of the colon that he wore, along with his beautiful smile. But after all of those thought leave my mind, I remember the only thing that I will regret from that day. I didn’t skipping school with him the day he died.  I blamed myself for that day. I thought that if i had left with him that morning that he would have still been sitting next to me, and it wasn’t until I realized it was six months without him. To this day I still don't understand why he didn't get the same treatment as the two girls that died in the car crash that happened two months before he committed suicide. The girls had gotten posters,  and everything from the school, the girls had so much because of the fact that they had been popular, and all he had gotten a video against bullying!

I will forever remember that day that I first talked to one of my bestfriends. The whole reason was for his jeans, it was as if he wore that same pair every day. I will remember the inside jokes and all the countless times that he made me laugh. I never want to forget the way he smiled, or the day that he had managed to get all three of his phones taken away in thirty minutes. This was the morning that I will never forget! This was the morning that I found out that I had lost one of the best people that I had gotten to know, Wyatt.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this becuase this event touched me to the point where i didnt want to get out of bed. 

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