The Kickball Game | Teen Ink

The Kickball Game

November 4, 2015
By Just_jenny08060 BRONZE, Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
Just_jenny08060 BRONZE, Conneaut Lake, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

As I stood in line watching the kickball game I realized that I was up next. I started to worry I wouldn't be able to kick the ball without getting a foul or an out. When the ball started rolling toward me I looked back at my team members. All of their eyes were focused on the ball coming me. So I turned back around and kicked the ball with all of my might. Everyone on my team and I watched the ball fly into the air and then hit the ground with a quiet bounce. As I was watching the ball I heard poeple yelling "RUN!" I bolted to first base and ended up without getting hit with the ball. I watched the next person in line kick the ball and I started running to second base. As the ball skimmed past my arm (but it didn't hit me) I still kept on running. While on of the kids on the outfield were trying to get the ball still I started running to third base. When I got to third base my blood was rushing, I knew I was going to make it home. The second to last person was up to base, unfotunatley he got an out. But I was so excited and happy to go home I started running to home base. Poeple started screaming "GO BACK!" I turned around as fast as I could and I saw that red ball flying toward me. I moved the smalles, tiny bit to the left and the red ball that everyone hates missed me by one millimeter. I waited on third base of what felt like a whole day but it was only a few minutes because someone kept on getting fouls. This next kick was it I could feel it, this was going to be the kick that was going to get me to home base. As I was waiting for the girl to kick the ball I figured out that we were on our second out and I couldn't get the last one. The girl finally kicked the ball and it felt like I was running faster than lightining but I was just running fast. My foot was about to touch the base and then I heard an alarm going off. It was time for school and in gym today we were playing kickball.

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This article has 1 comment.

Nashi BRONZE said...
on Nov. 24 2015 at 2:24 pm
Nashi BRONZE, Cochranton, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"a persons a person no matter how small"
Horton the elaphant

@Just_jenny08060 LOOOVE the part when the kid yelled "RUN!"