On Loss | Teen Ink

On Loss

September 22, 2015
By mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
mortemsomnia PLATINUM, Niagara Falls, Other
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I watched you slip past my fingers and down through the fire escape. Your body glowed and your voice fell faint. As you exhaled, the sickening sweet of your last breath filled the space around me. I knew I was losing you then, the sky echoed our memories, my heartbeat slipped into double-time. I began to clutch my chest, the hairs on the back of my neck raised, sending chills down my spine and through each of my limbs. I was frozen and afraid, being thrown onto eggshells. My throat filled with a wave of desperation and in that moment my life turned into what seemed like a never-ending waiting room. On the inside I kicked and screamed, I begged for you back, I fought demons and devils just to search for your face. I clawed my skin and eyes, inflicting pain I hoped you hadn’t endured. In a mirror I was lifeless and ghostly, pallid and senseless. Your goodbyes began to etch into my skin. Like hot flames they scarred my fragile being, I was not ready to begin to set you free. They had taken you away from me, and with you I felt myself go. Your spirit left me comatose. Time stands still when you lose the one you love.

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