Fun Day of Sledding | Teen Ink

Fun Day of Sledding

January 16, 2014
By Jared-B BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Jared-B BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On one winter day the sun was out in a blue, clear, sky. The air was crisp and the snow was light, it was the perfect day for sledding. I live on a hill and at the side of my house there is a perfect area for sledding. It has a curve, a flat area at the bottom to slow down, and you can add a little drop off a two foot wall.

I was sledding with my cousins and sister. We formed the perfect path with a border so you wouldn’t go off the path and stop, there was a curve to the bottom and the snow was packed down so you wouldn’t slow down. One of my goes was the furthest I have gone to this day.

“Here I go,” I said. My cousin pushed me off on a circular inflatable tube. I started to gain some speed, faster and faster. “Woohoo!” I hit the turn and was now heading for the bottom. Once I hit the turn I was heading for the bottom.

Once I got to the bottom I would not slow down, I must have gone over a patch of ice or snow. I wouldn’t slow down until I got to fluffy snow that the tube stuck to. I looked over the edge and I was able to see the bottom of a 10 foot drop ending with a rocky drive way.

My heart had skipped a beat and then I leaned back and, “Woo,” I said in relief. I carefully got out of the tube and went for another run but I never got close to the distance I had gotten that day.

The author's comments:
I almost die!

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