One Last Hunt | Teen Ink

One Last Hunt

January 14, 2014
By tysonjthorp BRONZE, Nooksack, Washington
tysonjthorp BRONZE, Nooksack, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

16 I was at the time. I was excited it was my first year hunting but Dave and I had not seen anything and it was getting kind of frightening because we were upon the last day of our hunt. We had determined we wanted to go to lake Bonaparte for our final hunt. The wind was crisp as we walked I didn't mind it though. We kept walking, looking, searching for a buck. Then there it was about 75 yds up hill from us. Dave told me to get down so I did he slowly dropped his bog-pod for the shot. It was quite like nothing was wrong for a few seconds. then a huge blast roared over the lake. The deer dug in hard and bolted to our left into the brush. Dave and I excitedly walked up to it fallowing the path it made. There it lie, dead the happiness that flowed over us was enormous. A 4by5 white tail was a perfect end to a perfect hunt.

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