Picture Time! | Teen Ink

Picture Time!

March 8, 2013
By ZerinaH BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ZerinaH BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don't think I've ever been so excited to take pictures before, the big day had finally come it was time to strike as many fabulous poses possible. The day for taking my senior pictures was here!

It had been a chilling October afternoon; I was as cold as a penguin wobbling in the snow. I felt as if my arms and legs were puny little ice sickles. Standing on mounted concrete trying to show no signs of coldness, I imagining myself on a nice soothing vacation in Hawaii while the sun smiled on me as we took a stroll through what I felt was paradise. This brought upon the widest smile, now the thought of strong aggressive wind brushing past me sending chills down my spine was gone. At that point my body was no longer cold. A few snaps, flashes and we moved on to our next destination. As I began walking the sun was shining upon my face, and I felt as confident as super model Tyra Banks walking the runway. I keep striking poses and sound of a loud "POP" sneaks up on my ears the right strap to my dress; suddenly ripped off. What was I to do now? I refuse to take pictures that I was sure would have turned out to be perfection due to this small mishap. I looked over at my mother, and a frown of disappointment showed on her face. Refusing to ask her I glared at the photographer; Blair to see what she would suggest I do because nothing but harsh words would spew out of my mothers' mouth.
"What now?" I asked
"Make a slight turn to your right and let's see if it'll still show on camera."
"Okay, I hope this works!" I replied.

I took a deep sigh and turned to the right just a little with hopes that this missing strap would not show on the pictures. I hadn't brought any other clothes along with me due to the fact that my mother rushed me out of the house at the last five minutes of getting ready to head out. After taking the photographs the photographer tells me to take a look at the photos to get my opinion on them.
"They turned out pretty nice" I thought to myself.
Blair pronounced, "Okay, last setting"

We walked toward the waterfall where the fishermen were railing in their fish pole after catching what seem to be gout. As we walked down the dirty hill the tips of my toes began to freeze; I was no longer in the mood to do anything else. As I sat down on the bench my heel clanged against the bench pole and clack! The heel of my pump was gone.
"Why is this happening to me?" I screamed I was devastated
"Calm down Zerina! It's Alright" my mom pronounced. At, that moment I felt like today was a day of bad luck for me and here my mother is telling me it'll be Alright. "Whatever!" I shouted

"Did you still want to take the rest of the pictures or are you done?" Blair questioned
"I'm done! No, I don't want to finish the pictures!" My day had been ruined. I grabbed my coat from my mother, threw it on and limped my way to the car. At that point my mother knew not to scold at me, I was not in the mood. My mother thanked Blair for her service and apologized for my actions. After all, I was being sort of a brat but I considered this to be my day I didn't understand why all of this was happening to me! I've never did anything harsh or mean to anyone. Well, Not that I could remember. My mother got into the car and we drove home! On the way home did nothing but pout the whole way there, maybe this was a sign. I went on with the rest of my day and said to myself "I'm sure there are much worst days to come, no big deal." "Well at least I didn't get rained on, or my hair wasn't a mess" I began to make the best out of my day. Taking senior pictures wasn't the best of the best so why make such a big deal out of it. The rest of my day happen to be quite pleasing and the pictures turned out nice. I had nothing to worry about.

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