Blue Locker | Teen Ink

Blue Locker

January 23, 2013
By Cristian.Santiago BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Cristian.Santiago BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"She fell in love with the city...and since then, I don't mean anything." - Mike Hranica

A moment words cannot replace. With such tenderness, the light reflecting off lips I have yet to grasp. The way her eyes so delicately interlock with time….
“Thank you.” She says.
My mind is silent. Reminiscent of the reasons why…of why her thank you means so much. Why was I supposed to say? Blue lockers and white tiled floor surround me yet this feeling of relevance and meaning was so omnipotent.
“Anytime” was my only reply. What am I supposed to say? If words are expressive, it would only serve me to be passive. She walks toward the illuminated hallway. Student after student walks by, yet I….well I just stand at her locker; her blue locker.
What is it about subtle moments that make them the easiest to remember? What is it about those subtle moments that make them hurts so much at the realization that things may never be the same. The grass will never be as green as it used to be, nor will our smiles find preservation in the tick of a deteriorating clock.
It was all in her smile. All in way we could say anything and the sun would still give off its bright yellow glow. I mean, lets be real…Do you really think that the night sky would turn blue? As blue as her locker.

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