A New Beginning | Teen Ink

A New Beginning

October 22, 2012
By Paige_Elizabeth BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
Paige_Elizabeth BRONZE, LeRoy, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walking up to that house, so many thoughts running through my mind; what was I leaving behind, what was to come? This strange, new place would soon become part of my new life.

After being in the car for eight hours, my family was getting on each other’s nerves. We all couldn’t wait to finally get out of the car and begin our new journey.

Waking up to my mother telling us that we were only a few minutes away, I didn’t know what to except of this new place. Being a girl from a small town and my house being a mile from any other house, to now I could look out my window and see the neighbors drinking coffee in their kitchen.

I could just briefly read the sign stating Cambridge Village and Golf Course, I felt as if my little small town of LeRoy was as big as my new neighborhood. With over 50 houses, I was sure this subdivision could hold the whole little town of LeRoy.

It seemed to take hours to find which house would be mine, driving farther and farther back. I couldn’t hide the fact that I was excited to find my new home, but at the same time I wanted my dad to put the car in reverse and take me back to my old life. We turned the corner, and I could see those big moving trucks, this had to be mine.

I had to ask myself how I felt at the time; should I hate this place, should I hate this house? How can I leave everything behind this easy? I can’t let myself fall in love.

I had resented my parents for making me move, but that greyish blue house with bright red shutters began to be more familiar. It started to grow on me, made me feel a sense of belonging. Maybe I was being too hard and judge mental, putting too much blame on my parents. All I knew was that I had to give this a chance and have faith that things happen for a reason.

I was reassured that this could possibly be a good thing. Opening a new door in my life would only lead to great opportunities and new memories. Sometimes something good has to come to an end to experience something great.

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