Meeting a Bestfriend | Teen Ink

Meeting a Bestfriend

September 20, 2012
By chris2121 BRONZE, New Port News, Virginia
chris2121 BRONZE, New Port News, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My brother and I just moved to California, and there was this huge playground in front of my house. However, this playground wasn’t any ordinary playground though, it was colored blue, yellow, red, and orange, surrounded by bright yellow warm sand, and everything a kid can ask for to play with. So one lonesome day, lonely because we just moved there, my brother and I decided to go to the playground. As we stepped out of the house, we were yelping with joy and excitement to see what would await us at this park. What felt like years and only took minuets to walk to, we finally get there. When we get there we start to rapidly get on to the swing sets, sliding down the slippery slides, and playing in the warm sand. As were having the time of our lives, a kid arrives at the playground by himself. He looked about our age, we were 6 at the time, he had brown curly locks of hair, pasty white skin, and dark freckles smothered all over his face, sort of nerdy looking. My brother and I just sat there, staring at him standing there, as an awkward silence arose. He then slowly and shyly walked up to the swing right next to me and sat down in the creaking swing chair. After he sat down, I started to pump my little legs, to make the swing get higher and higher. As I got as high as I could get, I jumped off, trying to show off my skills. Feet first I come crashing down onto the warm sand. I turned my head as quickly as I could so I could see his reaction, and I see him come flying down right behind me, bolting down on the sand kicking sand all in my face. It felt horrible; I had sand in my eyes and my mouth. As I’m spitting globs of sand out my dry mouth and whipping sand out my watery eyes, he is just sitting in the sand trying not to laugh. He swipes the smile off his face, gets up, then apologizing in a mannerly fashion. He apologized then stuck out his arm and pointed his hand down at me and asks what my name was. It was sort of weird, but I responded “Chris…. Chris P? What about you”, I asked. I grabbed his little hand anxiously waiting for an answer. He says Isaac in a friendly tone. After that day we became best friends and to this day we still are.

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