Life being young | Teen Ink

Life being young

September 19, 2012
By Anonymous

Life is someting wounderful that as a kid you should joy. As a young kid you should live your life because when you get older an get out on your own its not so easy an fun. All you do is work to pay bills an it gets hard , well thats what i hear from my elders . when you go through alot at a young age as you get older you try to change that for your future and your family future. Go to school do what you have to so you can have a brite future. you have all the time to play after you get out of school. I know its hard when your in middel school and high school them is the hardest years of them all , but you work through it after a while. work hard so you can play hard. My mom always tells me to do good in school so I can make a better future for my kids when i have some. I want then to have a better life for them then i had. Life gets hard as you com e of age you have to do more an worrie about more. I have a great friend that helps me through alot of thing in my life she is always there for me. She makes life a little easier for me but yea just stay in school and dont have kids.

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help for some people

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