Highways and Byways | Teen Ink

Highways and Byways

July 11, 2012
By Javarius3 BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
Javarius3 BRONZE, Hollandale, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seven miles outside of Hollandale on Highway 61, there were many cars on the road that night travelling at high speeds. On both sides of the highway tall and endless stalks of corn stretched for miles and miles. Even though the other drivers and I had our headlights on, the highway was still dark with critters waiting to run across the road. The darkness made the highway seem unpredictable, despite that I was driving dangerously fast as if I was a NASCAR driver in the Indy 500.

Suddenly I saw blinding headlights racing towards me. My first thought was “They’re just passing another car. It’s nothing to worry about.” Even though they did, the car stayed on the opposite side of the road. After noticing this, I felt my heart beginning to race.

As I was thinking about what I should do, my body was like a frozen tundra. I thought about moving into the other lane saying to myself, “ It’s risky but it’s my only choice.” I felt the palms of my hands beginning to sweat as I grasped the steering wheel. After building enough courage, I said, “Here it goes.” I began to move to the opposite lane to dodge the other car by slightly turning my wheels to the left. Like lightning, I made it across the highway without getting hit. My heart stopped racing and my hands stopped sweating. Finally I felt comfortable driving on this pitch-dark highway.

Shouting “Thank you Jesus! Thank you Jesus!” all the way home. After a hectic night, I made it home safely. Grinning from ear to ear when I parked in my driveway because I didn’t get a scratch on my truck.

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