Boot Camp | Teen Ink

Boot Camp

June 1, 2012
By Anonymous

Drill Sgt. Taylor Martinez that's how I know him. Before he took me in.

It started when I was about 12. My dad told me, or should I say yelled.

“YOU KNOW HOW TOUGH LIFE IS?!? BOOT CAMP WILL HELP YOU!” yelled my dad, who was mad,
“But, dad, I'm only 12! You expect me to know everything!” I said
“Ok.” I gave in.

The change in my life started my first day I woke up at 5:00 in the morning waking up to clean the cells and mess hall. Then i'd eat breakfast. Then we went on our 3 mile run and did 100 push ups. Im not gonna lie the first day, I cried.

But after a week and a half I started getting used to waking up early to run three miles and eat oatmeal. The food wasn't that bad. Healthy, but not bad. I was there for 5 months but it felt like I was there forever. There was only one person I got close to there at the boot camp and it was the Drill Sgt.. He liked to be called Sgt. Martinez. He was cool well to me. Whenever we got to go outside, we'd play football and he showed me how to be the quarterback I am today.

When I got out, I went home, and my mom gave me bad news. She told me her boy friend who I don't like moved in. I was mad I didn't know what to do. Then I thought I would run away. I didn't live there anymore because my mom's boy friend because he's abusive especially when he drinks.

So I was asking friends if I can move in but no answers that day. But that same day at safe way some one called my name I didn't recognize the person he was tall, white, and strong,. Then I remembered Sgt. Martinez I felt relieved I'd knew he'd be able to help.

“How've you been?” said Sgt Martinez
“Good and you?” I said
“Good thanks for asking. What are you doing here so late?” he asked
“Well I was trying to find a place or friends to stay with.” I replied
“Why?” he asked
“Problems at home.” I said
“Would you like stay with me?” he asked
“ Yes!” I said eagerly

After that its been about 2 or 3 years I've lived with him he taught me manners and respect I'm glad I met him hes like the dad I never had.

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