Flutters | Teen Ink


May 31, 2012
By Anonymous

I remember packing for my grandma’s that weekend and saying to myself, “I’d rather just stay in my room and sleep for our three-day weekend.” I had no idea that once I got to her house that I was going to wish I could spend every day on Vanguard Avenue.

From the second we pulled up, I had been waiting around for you to get home from work so we could hang out. I knew that trying to beat you in a game of H.O.R.S.E. would be more entertaining than watching re-runs of “How I Met Your Mother.” I was right in the middle of laughing at Barney proudly saying “Challenge accepted” when you walked into the room unannounced, as usual.

I don’t know what happened that made me get all fluttery inside. I’ve known you my entire life. I assumed I just felt like that because I hadn’t seen you for a few months. But now it’s been three more months and I still have that fluttery feeling inside. I wonder if you have flashbacks to that weekend every time you hear “Call Me Maybe” on the radio like I do.

It’s beautifully ironic that I feel the way I do for you. My whole life I’ve been wishing that I could have a love that deserves to be on the big screen. I’ve been chasing after every guy in my home town just trying to find someone who’ll give me the time of day. I guess I should’ve been looking 60 miles north of my home town. This whole time I’ve been dreaming of marrying someone I’ve known forever, my best friend. This whole time I hadn’t even realized that I practically wrote that role for you.

I’m so sorry it took me this long to figure everything out. Looking back on all of the past weekends at my grandma’s, I’ve realized that you’ve had the flutters for me this whole time. I really hope you can forgive me for all of these years I’ve left you unnoticed. I know that from now one, every weekend at my grandma’s will be dedicated to you.

Sorry, Grandma.

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