Who Am I? | Teen Ink

Who Am I?

April 28, 2012
By Anonymous

Who am I? I am independent thought. I am restless, rambunctious energy. I am strong and confident, yet kind and loving. I put family and friends above all else, and this is reciprocated. I am a direct product of my upbringing, the result of a solid family unit that constantly keeps me inspired to be a good person. I get along with almost everyone who crosses my path, I enjoy laughing and being friendly with all types of people, but there is only a select few I will call my “friends”, people who have earned my full respect and trust.

I am attention deficit. To keep my undivided attention for more than a few minutes is something to behold, something that society tells me is a curse, but secretly I have always considered it a gift. I am in possession of a fast-paced mind that I often have a hard time controlling. Not smooth and streamlined like a fighter jet, but random and wild like a frightened stallion. I am determined to gain control of this, and use this strength and speed to make something of myself. I am exploration, intrigue, and curiosity. I have an incredible desire to adventure around the world, to see it from every different angle and perspective. I view my reality through dilated pupils and wide eyes, constantly amazed by the magic in the life that is swirling around and flying past me.

I am loyalty. I would do anything for my best friends and my family; I would rather die than betray their trust. I am respect for all people, especially those downtrodden by society. I have an incredible respect for women, and am often disgusted by the way they are talked about and treated by their male counterparts. I am stubborn in my own views, but accepting of the fact that there are many that know better than me. I am respect for my elders, for as I grow older I realize how much wisdom is truly brought about simply by life experience.

I am the devil’s advocate. I come off as opinionated and stubborn, but in reality I hold very few solid opinions, I simply find debate and argument to be a beautiful form of art; a way to keep the mind sharp. I am one who believes that it is important to be able argue both sides of a coin, regardless of how I truly feel. I am accepting of the ignorance of my youth; I know what is best for me, yet I greatly appreciate the advice of those who have seen more of this life than I have.

I am a work in progress. Just when I think I have everything figured out, life slaps me in the face with a fresh lesson. I would be a fool to believe that this is not going to continue, therefore I will constantly continue to carry my burdens and worries with strife, absorbing life’s lessons with humility, and appreciating the blessings and joys that I come across on the way.

I am me.

The author's comments:
This is a short memoir, and I did my best to describe who I am as a person, while incorporating my own personal writing style and voice.

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