Forever Lucy (You Will Always be in our Hearts) | Teen Ink

Forever Lucy (You Will Always be in our Hearts)

May 4, 2012
By happyface623 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
happyface623 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When my family and I went to go get Lucy it was a total surprise... well at least for me and my sister. She was the top dog in our house. The best basset hound in the world. She was playful, always hungry (would eat everything), and loved everybody never left anyone out. she would never ever wanted to stop being pet. She loved being loved!!! until it was time... i could not let my mom and step dad take her at all. as i cry while i write this i just want to tell you spend time with your pets as long as you can. we only had Lucy for three years, and we no longer have her...
?- May 4th 2012. Forever Lucy you will always... Always be in our hearts.

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