Friendship and Trust | Teen Ink

Friendship and Trust

April 27, 2012
By E.Tuck BRONZE, Oak Park , MI 48237, Michigan
E.Tuck BRONZE, Oak Park , MI 48237, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Chill on me"

Friendship is Quality. Friendship is built upon trust. Most people that you hang around aren’t your friends. I may call them associates, some people say you are who you hang around, and that is true. Some things that your friends do around you can rub off on you, and can reflect on how you act. I can’t really trust everybody with what I say, the only reason why is because they may hold it against you. I can recall that my friend and I had a huge argument and I could tell that our friendship meant a lot to her. I felt that she was a true friend because some people take advantage of some of their friends, in which they shouldn’t. I cherish every moment with the friends I have left.

As I realize how much a friendship is important to a person, everyone shouldn’t take their friendship for granted because, it’s not always promised that person may be there in your time of need. The definition of friendship: Is a relationship and concern between individuals and provides positive emotional support. Friends care for one another and look out for each other. In order for a deep understanding to occur between friends it requires opening up about personal things, listening carefully, and being loyal to one another. Its only so many people you can trust and 1 fingers are just enough friends. I find myself trusting, my two close friends because we have been through so much. I know that they understand where I’m coming from, and I know I can go to them for help.

Life itself is short you never know when you’re going to lose a special someone either if it’s a family member or friend. Sometimes just telling someone their important to you or their important in your life can mean a lot even though it’s just a few words. A friend comes to you for guidance, to get help and understand what’s right from wrong. Trust builds a friendship and without trust, you can’t have a stable relationship.
A friendship will argue and disagree all the time but it’s the trust and honesty that counts. True friends are there for you through thick and thin, tuff times, and hard struggles. You should always have those two friends that you trust. Being there through those tuff times can show a person how much you really mean to them. Friendship is turst, and important. Friendship is quality.

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