My 5th Grade Graduation | Teen Ink

My 5th Grade Graduation

April 27, 2012
By Autumn Mccatty BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Autumn Mccatty BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My special event regards my 5th grade graduation. It was the most memorable thing that has ever happened to me. That morning I woke up in excitement. I was all pumped up for a day of excitement. But anyway I was thinking the whole time am I going to meet new people? Or would I have to start all over again by making new friends. These are the thoughts that ran thoughts that ran through my mind at the time. My whole family would be there cheering me on. My mom said she was so proud of me and what I had accomplished that day but she also said she is going to be proud of what I accomplish in the future. That day I put on my cap, gown and tassel. I was so anxious to walk across that stage. Being with my friends one last time is all that mattered that moment.

Here I go waiting on my name to be called. Walking across that stage meant more to me than anything else. When my name got called I jumped up with excitement and said hooray I did it. My family was like go head autumn we are so proud of you. I was proud of myself. But the friends I’ve made would no longer be there we would all be in separate places in our lives. I had made the honor roll and I got a science certificate. Elementary school for me was really fun. I was proud of myself but it made me realize that elementary is over and that I start middle school in the fall. Afterward my family and I went for some cake they had for us at the school it was chocolate and yellow cake .Graduation was really exciting for me to attend.

That day was really great as I say goodbye to elementary and embark on the next chapter of school. I was kind of sad. But then again I knew I would be okay and I knew that I would make new friends. My mom told me to not worry because I was a good kid and I would make new friends in time. And then my friends from elementary told me that they would really miss me. And I told them that I felt the same way about them. They were all so great and I’ve grown close to all of them. That is my event that truly made a difference in my life. That was a great day I graduated with a 3.789

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