Dependable | Teen Ink


April 27, 2012
By T&#39Lacia Anderson BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
T&#39Lacia Anderson BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A time when I was dependable was when my older cousin depended on me to watch after her two kids when she had to go to Ohio. She has a 2 year old daughter and a baby boy. She had to go to Ohio for her job and the kids couldn’t go with her. I told her I could stay and watch them but I thought she would maybe so no because I was only 14 at the time. She had no one else so I watched them for her until she came back. I needed a few extra dollars anyway so I just volunteered to watch them for her, besides I wasn’t doing anything else so it was perfect timing. I took very good care of them and had no accidents at all with them. When she came back home, she said “I am very proud of you, you did a good job with my kids, I said thanks and you welcome.”She was very proud of me and that was a time I felt really good and appreciated. That was a time I realized I really can be depended on.

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