Suprise | Teen Ink


April 12, 2012
By sandra12345 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
sandra12345 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

well it happend when i was about nine. i was getting on plane with my mom , dad, sister aunts, uncles and grandparents they all knew where we were he4aded but did i know? of corse not! nor did any of the smaller family mambers. we were lost confused and nervous. the whole way there we questioned everyone like" are we there yet?" " how much longer?" it is going to be somewere fun?"
aqfter all that the parents probly wanted toi chuck every single one of us out the plane window. we were so bored! so we all decided to sleep the rest of however long until we got there. until a loud SSSSSCKRETCCCCCCCH! that was the plane wheels comming to a compleate stop and the little announcers say " where now done with the flight please go out the door on your left". do all of us jumped up and hoped out our seats and ran to the door. we got off the plane and the lady said welcome to orlando flordia. so now we knoew were we were headed to diney world.

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