the swaying ship | Teen Ink

the swaying ship

March 16, 2012
By jacob fuss BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
jacob fuss BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I went on a cruise boat through the Bahamas I didn't get used to the the rocking of the ship. The first day it made me feel nauseous so I said, “I’m going to fall into my bunk for a few,” but the next day I felt better. At night in the room I was sleeping in, as the ship was swaying it actually felt cool while I was lying down. But it also felt cool while standing in line for something trying to keep your balance as the ship pulled like two people fighting over something. When I got off the ship to visit Mexico, it felt strange standing on solid ground, it was like as if my legs glued stiff like concrete. I wasn't walking straight for a while. It was like the dock was trying to pull me into the water. So I walked at the middle of the dock. But after a fun day in Mexico I had to go back onto the ship. The ship was fun, yet it took me a while to get used to the swaying of the giant boat. I remember when I went to the ships fancy dining hall for dinner and stuff would fall of the table. Like silverware, cups and plates, the waiters were skidding across the dining try to keep everything intact. When we left our cruise boat, it was so early I don't think Japan was awake.Then got on a two hour flight back to Colorado. I got home and went to bed at two in the afternoon.

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