How I Invented Communism | Teen Ink

How I Invented Communism

February 23, 2012
By Collinxschu BRONZE, Old Saybrook, Connecticut
Collinxschu BRONZE, Old Saybrook, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I feel things quite intensely, which is why the music has to be so intense. I’m either really sad or really happy, I’m tired or completely manic. That’s when I’m at my most creative, but it’s also dangerous for me. I feel I could write some good songs, or break some hearts. Or tables. Or glasses.” - Florence Welch

At the age of ten, I invented Communism. The epiphany struck me as my blue eyes scanned the clouds, desperately searching for answers to the burdening questions buzzing in my mind. Unlike most other kids who played soccer or chatted in circles on the blacktop, my recess days were spent sitting cross-legged on the grass, deep in fifth grade thought. And at last! The thinking was a smashing success! My mind finally produced the magnificent truth that would liberate the world from imperfection! I sprang to my feet, quick to share my discovery with my best friend. He would surely appreciate my amazing idea and become my trusty accomplice in bringing the world salvation.
“Ross! Ross!” I screamed. “I did it! I solved all of the world’s problems!” My friend stared at me, puzzled. “Okay. So here’s what we do. We get rid of money. Everyone get’s the same food and stuff. Then no one will be hungry or angry at each other. Isn’t it perfect?!”
Ross rolled his eyes at me. “You’re so stupid, Collin. That’s Communism. Communism is bad; it’s the reason for a bunch of wars.”
I crossed my arms and walked away in a huff.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 26 2013 at 6:15 pm
runnerskier BRONZE, In A Land Far, Far Away, Alaska
4 articles 0 photos 8 comments
Haha, that's great.  I guess in the same way I  invented reincarnation when I was six or seven, and was rather frightened to later learn that was what my Buddhist grandparents believed. =P

on Dec. 13 2012 at 10:43 am
AlmostPublished GOLD, Phoenix, Arizona
11 articles 0 photos 29 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today,because yesterday is gone and tomarrow may never come.

Love it! Great memoir.