My world | Teen Ink

My world

January 13, 2012
By joshsv BRONZE, Meriden, Iowa
joshsv BRONZE, Meriden, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My world is very simple, probably a lot more simpler than the average sixteen year olds

worlds. My week day is usually go to school come back eat dinner get ready for the next day.

On my free time I draw tattoo designs and listen to music, which I also do.

Now on the weekends I hangout with friends, party, and the usual. I also rap on the weekends

as well as play bass in a band. Art and music are two major things in my life and I am always

doing either one. In the future I except to be a tattoo artist and be succeful in music.

People always tell me that I am very easy going, its true. I am a very relaxed person with what I

hope is a good, funny personality. That is really all there is to know about me. I am glad I've

been given the chance to tell you about myself.

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