Flying Towards The Ocean | Teen Ink

Flying Towards The Ocean

November 11, 2011
By Thing2 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Thing2 BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Images of broken which dance before me like a million eyes that call me on and on across the Universe.

Chrissy was my dads assistant at the Colorado Film School. When I first met her I was sort of nervous because she was typing away at whatever she was doing. She was typing so incredibly fast that it frightened me, what astounded me the most was when she looked at me and started to have a conversation with me while she was typing. We instantly became friends.

After that we would hang out a lot. She would take me to Dave and Busters all the time, and I would always get really excited when it was time to go because that meant it was prize time! I felt like she was my big sister, and I could tell her anything.
All of that shattered like piece of glass being dropped of the roof of a house when she said, “I am moving to California.”
“Why are you moving to California?” I asked clenching my fist trying not to cry.
“Because I am tired of Colorado and there is nothing left for me to do, you can come visit me when you turn ten,” Said Chrissy.
I was 8 at the time, so this meant I had to wait two years. Two whole years without Chrissy.
“What am I supposed to do?” I thought. I couldn’t let it get the best of me so all I had to do was believe that two years wasn’t that long and that when I do make it to L.A. she will be waiting for me. I just couldn’t wait for our reunion.
The summer of the end of 5th grade when was 10 years old I was going to fly to California by myself.
“We need to be at the airport by 2:45” Mom said the night before my flight. We arrived at the airport on schedule. We asked the lady to bag check and she said
“Well you could do that but there is a chance that it won’t make it to plane on time.” That doesn’t make any sense i thought to myself. My mom and I were getting some snacks while my dad is going to our gate.
“Your plane is leaving, Your plane is leaving!!” My dad shrieked. All three of us ran to the gate to try and catch the plane but they had already closed the door.
“I thought we were right on time.” I whispered to my parents trying to hold back tears. “We did to.” My parents said in unison. We went over to a service desk and asked why the doors had closed if the flight was at 4:15. In fact my mom had looked at the flight information wrong and the flight was at 3:30. I finally let it all out I was angry with my mom that she had made me miss my flight but I also couldn’t take it personally. The people behind the desk got me another ticket to L.A.X. my mood changed form being depressed to having butterflies in my stomach knowing that I was going to be in California in a few short hours.

When I came out of the plane I saw my God mother waiting for me. I was so excited because someone was waiting for me (my parents are usually late so that’s why I was so excited). She was bursting with delight to see me once again. My God sister was with her and being the age of 5 she was not talking to me at all in the airport. As soon as we got in the car she couldn’t take it any longer and imediatley turned into a chatterbox.
“Rice is nice especially for mice.” she would say or “cokatoo,” I have to say she was insane.

When I was done visiting them I went to my friend Chrissy’s house. I was bulging at the seems to see her again she took me to ocean I was excited because I had only been once when I was really little. The deep blue salty breeze hit my face and all I wanted to do was stop time and stay there for an eternity, but I knew that wasn’t reality so I just let the moment last. I loved being at the ocean, it seemed never-ending and that it really did have a mind of it’s own, and if you walk into it without being careful you would be sucked under. The oceans waves were especially high that day, we made a sand mermaid (It was pretty awesome) and left our bas right by it. We walked off around the beach, when a big tide came Chrissy saw that our stuff was going to be gone if we didn’t move it. She turned around sprinted as fast as she could dove picked up everything and kept running. I was there staring in disbelief that our mermaid had been washed away, not even realizing what she had just done.
“OH YEAH, did you just see that??” Chrissy yelled.
“I just saved all of our stuff!”
“Oh wow nice job, but one thing our mermaid is gone!” I said with exasperation
“Hey it’s okay.” She reassured
That made feel better knowing that the mermaid wasn’t really gone, at least not in my memory.

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