Special Chips | Teen Ink

Special Chips

October 18, 2011
By Anonymous

Maybe it was too good to be true. All those times we spent together. It was just a lie from the beginning. Thinking that you were going to be the one, that one special person in mi Vida. That I was yours tu beautiful lady like you said and you were mine. I still remember when, and where we met, thanks to those Doritos I was happy for once (the cheese kind). We were in the rubber gym and you had a bag of Doritos, you asked me if I wanted some and I said no. “It hurts when a pretty girl like you doesn’t want to accept Doritos from me,” that made me feel bad, so then I took one and you asked me if I would like to talk for a little while. So you decided to go outside we sat down and started to get to know each other, after that you walked me to class, I can still remember more. But that day you called, I would have never thought that those words would come out of your mouth. But they did and I couldn’t do anything about it. My heart broke into tiny millions of pieces and I couldn’t understand why.

One day you have the best thing in the world; in a blink of an eye all you have our memories. From wings of angels to wishing stars, God made everything but an unbreakable heart. I am thankful for the sweet memories you and me created, I’m not going to be sad for what is gone. You were once mine. There are times where I wish I could go back and be with you holding on tighter, but I learned to accept that you are gone. But why is it that we keep taking! Why is it that you still talk about me and ask my friends how I am? Is it because you now realize that you had something special in the first place. And now that you let it go, you want it back and hold on to it, never letting go. I try and not talk to you but when I hear your voice it’s like I know that, that your voice is suppose to say “I Love You mija,” and you do but was it said from your heart, did you really mean it? Never once I hated you, never once I stopped loving you.

From the beginning were you wanting something else, but never got it. Were you wanting to have fun, not knowing you would feel something special. That time you got locked up, I didn’t know what to do; it was like me falling of an airplane not knowing what was happening. I kept thinking what if he never comes back! What if I don’t see him again, but you got out and called me “You called me.” You remembered, and at that moment the words “I love you” were true from the first breath. But what you said now I don’t know, but I guess I believed you because we were back together. But now I have our memories and laugh to look back at. Like the time were you taught me how to drive, where I was scared that I would crash your car and all you said was” As long as your okay and your with me I don’t care.”Maybe you do feel something for me, but only you know that. I’m just glad that we ended with a laugh. I have overcome this pain thanks to my homegurls; never will I meet a guy as special as you.

I wrote your name in the sky
But the wind blew it away
I wrote your name in the sand
But the waves washed it away
I wrote your name in my heart...
And forever it will stay…..

The author's comments:
this piece was writting a while bak and till this day i still have it.Its a piece that keeps me goin each day never stop smiling becuase i did have someone great in my life.

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