We are one | Teen Ink

We are one

October 13, 2011
By kaytlin olsen BRONZE, Moffat, Colorado
kaytlin olsen BRONZE, Moffat, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She is me, and I am her. We live, we eat, and we grow together. I hope to be like her when I grow up. What is your mamma like? Is she as comforting as my mother?

That’s my mom. We are one.

The way her eyes sparkle, they have the fire of life in them. Some days her beautiful eyes shine with joy, other times they are dull with sadness. Sometimes, you can look at her and her usual joyful look is flooded with sorrow. She might tell you what’s troubling her, but most likely you won’t get a single word. I have noticed that at the times she’s the most sad, it reflects in her eyes like burning ice. She’ll be blazing to melt the sadness away, but the ice is solid, and doesn’t plan to go away anytime soon. Although she seems sad, mostly my mom is as happy as a person reading a book.
That’s my mom. We are one.

My mentor, she lives at the hospital during the day, registering patients, hoping to save someone’s life. With this job she makes money that flows like a river home to keep us going. Some days she works longer than her original time. Just to gather extra money. At night, after she gets home, she struggles to keep us all in a good and happy mood. She has found that some days it is easier than others. Through the weekend’s mom moves endlessly, trying to make the house shine. She wants it shinning instead of being dull all the time. There is always a tiny voice in the back of her head that keeps urging her forward. I see it as her voice of courage.

That’s my mom. We are one.

When I talk to her, I can always hear the softness and sweetness in her voice. Sometimes I can hear a little crackle in her voice. Hinting that she has gone through so much in her life.

That’s my mom. We are one.

My mom, my mentor, my family, my life. I have learned how to live from you. I have found, I can’t live without you. I know you won’t always be there to support me. And I know you will help as long as you’re here. You can’t and won’t go yet. I wish you would always be with me; but you will always be in my heart, no matter what happens.

That’s my mom. We are one.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my mom,she is my life.That is why i wrote it for her.

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