Dad and our Memories | Teen Ink

Dad and our Memories

October 13, 2011
By Bucky BRONZE, Moffat, Colorado
Bucky BRONZE, Moffat, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My dad is the best dad in the world, do you have a great dad like mine. If you know my dad you would know he is a pretty cool guy.
It was nice and sunny out side; my dad asked me if I wanted to rid a horse or drive the four-wheeler. I voted for the four-wheeler. BANG!! A while later the tier flue of the trailer, I called dad to come back and fix it. He came back, but the horses decided to run of and get a head start, so I scrambled after them. I ran and ran and ran, and I finally caught them and we were on to the lodge again. CRACK!! The next thing you knew the hitch broke.” *#*#” dad yelled. We fixed it and he tolled me to ride the horses. Scooter was soft and fluffy. We trotted most of the way. This was thrilling. Even thought we had a frustrating time going up, he still said sorry and we had the best weekend together.
Another memory with my dad is when I am steer riding. I tell him when the rope is tight or not. He asks me I am ready to rock and role, I said yes and finally the gate opens, I was lighting and suddenly, WHACK!! I hit the ground. When we got in the stands he asks me if I tried my hardest; I said yes and we both smiled at each other and sat down. I felt like I was going to cry.
Another cool event that happened is our life was farming. We stayed on the tractor all day long. Those days were bumpy. Sometimes we were bored; but it was a lot of fun. At the end of the day we drove the truck home. Then we ate and relaxed for the rest of the night.
Do you have a fun and dad like mine? When I grow up I wish to be like my dad.

The author's comments:
this piece is about my dad and our memiors

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