Glitter all over the Room! | Teen Ink

Glitter all over the Room!

September 29, 2011
By 4ever_a_dancer BRONZE, Rosendale, Wisconsin
4ever_a_dancer BRONZE, Rosendale, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."

(Cough) ugh ugh ughh...ugh ughh ughh! If I had to stay in there any longer, I could have died from all the fumes! Just looking at the glitter infested air was enough to make me sick. I was in the middle of our dance competition dressing room. The dressing room was full of hairspray, glitter, and teenage girl (hahaha).

Last year, I danced with mostly girls from a different school. I got to know them so well! We always had a great time together. We were able to go to two competitions. At one competition, Jenny got a special award! We were all super exited from her. The whole idea of a competition makes me smile. It is so much fun! Being on stage is the best thing in the world, I think! In some competitions the judges are hidden in the crowd. Others have them sitting right up front, and it can be a little more intimidating. It is fun either way.

For the recital some of us girls did an extra dance. We all got into this dance way more, because it was fun. Amber and I came up with the idea of poofing out our hair. Our hair looked like we had a giant loofah on our head! We looked so awesome! Us girls got to choose how we did our ending. Everyone got to pick a partner and mine was Amber. When it was our turn, we decided to do a turn. We would walk down, and at the end we would whip our hair while turning in a circle down to the ground.

All of us girl accomplished so much in just a couple months. I will never forget the year I danced with: Amber, Rachel, Nikki, Mckayla, Mykenna, Makenna, Jenny, Hattie, and Morgan

The author's comments:
In school my teacher is having us write memoirs. She let us write about any memory we can go into detail with. I am always dancing, whether it's in my room, outside, or on stage. I think dancing is the best thing ever!

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