Mosquitoes | Teen Ink


September 29, 2011
By CieCie BRONZE, Brandom, Wisconsin
CieCie BRONZE, Brandom, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mosquitoes in the night.

“*Slap!* these dang mosquitoes!” Over the summer I spent three days at my cousin’s house. One of the nights, we slept in a medium sized tent that she bought for her cat. Turns out, it wasn‘t that small. It was just big enough for the two of us to sleep comfortably. We set up the tent inside so we could see how big it was. The funny part? We had to take it all apart to take it outside. As soon as it was set up, it started to rain. We ran like cheetahs so we wouldn’t get too wet. We stayed inside for a little until it stopped raining.

Once it stopped raining, she grabbed her cat and we went back out to the tent. At six ‘o’ clock, it started to rain again and the mosquitoes were attacking. She grabbed her cat and we went back inside.

We ate dinner and, once again, ran back outside. Once we were in the tent we decided to stay out for the rest of the night. We were talking, the suddenly, we heard thousands of tiny, little; Dracula’s trying to squeeze into our tent. Somehow, they were able to squeeze their little blood sucking bodies in. Every time we saw one, we grabbed the flashlight and slapped each one we saw. Often times I slapped at nothing. The creases in the tent looked like mosquitoes.

When we were ready to go to bed, we admitted defeat and fell asleep. In the middle of the night, I slapped a mosquito and scared my cousin. We woke up with a lot of mosquito bites, but we were OK.

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