Before I Write About Myself, I Think About Who I Am | Teen Ink

Before I Write About Myself, I Think About Who I Am

June 24, 2011
By MatryoshkaDoll BRONZE, Rogers, Arkansas
MatryoshkaDoll BRONZE, Rogers, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What doesn't kill you only gives you better ideas for your next story~Me

Is it hard to say I’m one of the people who don’t know what to do in life? I’m just a girl; you can’t expect me to know what I’m doing! Usually, I just decide to go with the flow, and it seems to work out all right too! But lately…..I’ve been a little lonely. It seems like no one understands me for me. I strive for a boyfriend, but in the end, I push them all away. I get new friends, and they end up annoying me. Maybe it’s just that I get jealous too easily. I’ve got no special thing about me, and all of my friends seem to be better at everything. Sometimes I wonder what I’ll do in life. Maybe I could be a counselor. I am pretty good at telling my friends what advice they should take. Even if that decision makes me unhappy, at least I know I’ve made someone else’s day better. And to me, I suppose that makes all the difference.

The author's comments:
I decided that I'd try to write an auto-biography one day, yet as I started to write, I realized I remembered nearly nothing about my childhood. Then I thought, "well, I'm not so special after all, I'm normal. so why write a biography?"
This was just my thoughts splattered across the page like ink.

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