My Embarrassing Story | Teen Ink

My Embarrassing Story

June 2, 2011
By cynthia1513 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
cynthia1513 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was little like around 3 years old I would go to the bathroom and open the door and I would go to the toilet and lift up the lid. And I would put my hands in the toilet and I would grab the water and put it on my head and I would do that for a while. And after that I would go to my mom and tell her “mami ya me bane!”. Which means mom I am done taking a bath. And my mom would always get really mad and she would lock the bathroom door all the time because when I would do that she would always have to take me a bath! But the good thing is that every time the toilet was always clean I would do that.

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