Honeysuckle | Teen Ink


June 9, 2011
By rindsey BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
rindsey BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The food of the gods. The gentleness of the action juxtaposed against the sharp sweetness of the nectar, shocking and soothing the tongue. Nerves in the lips feeling, for the first time, the softness of flower petals (One nature against the other). Scarlet-pink color reassures that it is, in fact, a plant, and not a cleverly disguised confection. If teeth have any part in the exchange, the bitter taste of the flower emerges, so kiss only.

A group of children, having their first kisses, some savoring, some sampling. Some stroke the petals, some tear them off. A scattering of already-kissed flowers, broken hearts lying on the ground.

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