A Vivid Video Game | Teen Ink

A Vivid Video Game

May 2, 2011
By JPisseri BRONZE, Commack, New York
JPisseri BRONZE, Commack, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Video games are a passion for me. Ever since I was about five, I have been playing video games. I have played on every system that has been made since I was born, from the Nintendo 64 to the Playstation 3; my life has been centered on these glorious creations. One game in particular I remember playing is Dante’s Inferno on my Playstation 3.

Dante’s Inferno is a video game that is based on Dante’s Divine Comedy. The player assumes the role of Dante, and fights through the circles of Hell in order to save his wife from eternal damnation. The storyline of the game captured me from the very beginning, and while I was playing it, I felt like I was Dante, fighting demons and devils constantly. One level that really amazed me was the space in Hell called Limbo. Limbo is a place where the damned sail on a ship to the various rings of Hell in order to meet there fate. The great detail of the game made me feel that I was there boarding the ship with the others. Through the eyes of Dante, I climbed along the outside of the ship, and when I entered the ship, I was immediately beset by a horde of enemies. I killed them easily with my scythe and I saw their blood splatter all over the place. Almost immediately a huge beast attacked me, but with a few expertly timed moves, I tamed him and destroyed the ship and jumped to safety.

This level made me realized that video games are more than just games. The graphics and storyline draw me in and make me feel like I’m not just controlling the character, I am the character. I continued to play that game for a long time, and when I was done, I felt like I had accomplished Dante’s objective and was a hero to a man I will never meet. Dante’s Inferno was one of the best games I have ever played, and hopefully I will play many more just like it.

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