Focus | Teen Ink

Focus MAG

March 24, 2011
By l_p_b BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
l_p_b BRONZE, Arlington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never used to pay much attention to what was happening outside the car window. The route to school was nothing but a blurry cruise through suburbia, splattered with blotches of ­vegetation, rushing vehicles, and the sun's glaring reflection on the windshield.

At night, streetlights danced and multiplied, darting through the sky. Masses of granite or brick bulged out of the darkness, suddenly caught by the headlights. Forms swayed in the shadows, forests were cloaked in darkness, only the faint network of branches visible. Hazy fields of stars held up the rising moon and its nimbus. The night was constantly in motion.

Over time, my smeared vision began to prevent me from reading numbers on the whiteboard. Thanks to my squinting and my sluggish reading pace, I was sent to an eye doctor. It was winter when I got my contact lenses, and I shielded my eyes as I walked to the car through blinding snowdrifts. Once in the car, I allowed my eyes to recover from the barrage of light. With the car rolling and sunglasses cooling my sensitive pupils, I took my first look at the new world.

Tree limbs burned amber in the morning light, branching out like cobwebs against the crisp, cloudless sky. Hills and buildings leapt out of the background, with borders sharp enough to slice through ice. There was no sound, only the jagged, perfect landscape.

I felt the chill of precision, of focus. I saw dust particles fluttering through the beam of a projector. On computer screens, once flat jumbles of black and white text, bold letters carved their proper places in sentences. Assertive punctuation connected it all. Life was coming alive in front of me, line by line, corner by corner.

Later, with the cold smothering the day's excitement and my breath showing against the tenebrous night, I gazed skyward. Radiant specks sprinkled across the sky, the stars blazed. In their flickering stillness, they conveyed a sense of the infinite.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Feb. 3 2012 at 8:34 am
MistrBrighterside BRONZE, Bethel, New York
1 article 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Move on. It's just a chapter in the past. But don't close the book, just turn the page." ~ Anonymous

Beautifully written! There was so much imagery, it made my mind race. Loved it!

on Nov. 4 2011 at 3:49 pm
Imaginedangerous PLATINUM, Riverton, Utah
31 articles 0 photos 402 comments
A girl in my creative writing class was talking about how when she got her glasses, she went around going, 'Whoa! Trees have individual leaves!' I thought that was pretty funny... until I got my glasses a few weeks later. And then I drove my mom crazy by putting them on and taking them off, comparing my vision with and without them- I was shocked to discover that now I could see each blade of grass on my neighbor's lawn from across the street. :)

on Apr. 11 2011 at 11:21 am
suckerpunch234 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
The imagination exercises a powerful influence over every act of sense, thought, reason,
-- over every idea.
Latin Proverb

I really like this piece.  At first I was like ..."wait, what is this person talking about? "  But now it makes sense.  You use vivid imagery..good job!

on Apr. 4 2011 at 8:03 pm
This is really well-written; I can imagine everything happening very clearly. You took an topic that some people might regard as inconsequential...but you made me care about it! :) Well done.