Death Hits Us Both | Teen Ink

Death Hits Us Both

January 27, 2011
By Soccer_Lover_14 BRONZE, Valrico, Florida
Soccer_Lover_14 BRONZE, Valrico, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't let my looks desive you, i really do care.

It was August 25th, 2006, and Jenny had arrived at her new house in Atlantis, Georgia. She couldn't believe her day has finally come. She was ready to go to school and make new friends and maybe even find a date. August 29th, she went to her first day of school. She already made a lot of new friends and she even got a date. His name was Dan. She got home and told her parents about her exciting day at school. But her parents said she was too young to date. Jenny didn’t mind what they said and was happy through the rest of the day. The next day one of her friends, Maria, asked her to spend the night. Susan, one of her other friends, invited Dan to the party as well. Jenny asked if she could spend the night. Her parents let her go. She got ready and went to Susan's house. She got there and they had so much fun. She even got to spend time with Dan. but she noticed with Dan, he was smoking and drinking. and Susan said that she should have a late night drive with Dan. she was a bit scared but she wanted to spend time with Dan. so when she asked Dan for a drive, he toke his last drink of beer and last puff of his cigar and took her to the car. As they drove on the rode, she noticed that they where going 98mph and she wanted to go home now. When Dan pulled over and went to the restroom, she wanted to go home before anyone got hurt. When he got back, she asked him "can you take me home?" For no reason, he got mad at her and he stepped on the gas peddle and they were back at 98mph in 30sec. She tried her best to get him to slow down. "Please Dan, just take me home. I don't want anyone to get hurt." He became enraged, hit her in the face, and kept driving. Jenny knew she wasn't safe and so she slunk down in her seat and started to pray "God, please help us. Save us from hurting anyone. All I want is to get home safe and sound. Please lord, save us." Then she looked up and saw bright lights. The next thing she knew, she was in a hospital bed, bandages and all. The first thing that went through her mind was “is everyone ok?” A nurse came in and said "you were in a car crash and it was very severe. You hit an oncoming car." Then she asked "is Dan ok?" The nurse looked down and said "no. from what we saw, he died on impact." Then she prayed once more "god, I'm deeply sorry for all of the deaths I have caused. I am sorry for disobeying my parents. They were right. I am too young to date because I can't trust most guys these days. Tell my parents I'm deeply sorry for lying and I love them. I have dishonored my family name. God, forgive me." she made the sign of the cross and then died. a man stood at the door way and asked the nurse if she was going to tell Jenny's parents. "No." the nurse said. The man asked "Why not? She pleaded for her wish. Why not?" The nurse said "the car that she hit and the people inside that died, were her parents."

The author's comments:
This is a story i wrote in memory of my cousin. This is what happened to her. She taught me how to be who I am. It means alot to me writing about her. Enjoy my story.

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