You are beautiful to me | Teen Ink

You are beautiful to me

June 9, 2010
By armygirl22 GOLD, Brandon, Florida
armygirl22 GOLD, Brandon, Florida
13 articles 1 photo 6 comments

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i finally understand what true love really means. love means that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.

"You are beautiful and perfect to me baby," are the words I've longed to hear my whole entire life. I've never been the skinniest girl, the one with all the name brand clothes, or the one all the guys wanted. I've only ever been myself, and that has been enough for me. Every girl dreams of being called "beautiful," not just "hot" or "sexy" because when a person calls you beautiful, they are looking at the inner you, and not just the outside. I've never had the perfect complection and I have a scar on one half of my face. And the scar has never made me feel good about myself. It has always made me self concious, and I feared that it would never go away.

But than he came along. The boy who would steal my heart with just a "hello." And boy, did he do just that. And as the days and months progressed on, I thought to myself that he wouldn't love me, and than he probably just thought that I was some ugly girl with a hidious scar on her face. But I was wrong, he was the one that I would get to hear that I'm beautiful. And the day that he first did call me it, I wanted to just cry and hold him and tell him "thank you, i love you." Because I knew the day that a man would call me beautiful, was the day that he really saw me for who I was and would love me no matter what. And boy, did he do just that as well. And I love him with all my being. And I would never imagine being without him and without hearing that I am beautiful every day.

Everyone is beautiful, whether it be on the inside, outside, or a combination of the both. But I think that every girl deserves to be called that, and once they do, they'll feel so much better about themselves, I know I did. My confidence grows everyday thanks to the one boy that told me how he really felt about me and how he thinks I'm the most beautiful girl to him. I'm forever thankful for finding him. I never expected my life to changed just by hearing those words...

"Baby, you are beautiful and perfect to me."

The author's comments:
I never thought I'd be called beautiful in my life.

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