Attacked in Cold Blood | Teen Ink

Attacked in Cold Blood

January 20, 2010
By Joshua Salazar BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
Joshua Salazar BRONZE, Fairfield, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up and everything was so vivid. I was shuffling through my mess on my desk to find my watch and check the time. The clock read 4:00AM. I was so exhausted from yesterday. All I could think about is what happened to my sister. It was one of the most graphic things I have ever seen.
I remember it all. It was a nice day out and the harsh sun was beating against my skin. My driveway was as hot as a stove. My cousin and my sister and I were playing outside. The lime green grass brushed against our feet as we ran around. My cousin and I were getting bored as was my sister. I wanted to go inside and get something to eat, my cousin followed. My stomach was pleading with hunger to get something to eat. My sister stayed outside and played with my cousin’s dog. I was about to open the door to my house but then I heard a shriek.
This was no ordinary shriek that girls scream just for fun. This was a blood curdling scream. I knew this scream was the sound of my sister. My cousin and I didn’t hesitate for anything. We ran over like we were bullets. I remember looking at him, his coppery hair was whipping in the wind. When my cousin and I arrived all I saw was the dog on top of my sister. The dog turned it’s head towards me and I looked at his mouth. I saw blood dripping from his mouth. I heard my sister crying in agony, my head started throbbing with adrenaline.
When the dog ran off he started running towards me. I thought he was going to attack me because this dog had bitten me a few times in the past, but did not maul me like he did my sister. I said to myself, “I’m next!” Nervously I prepared myself. I was ready for anything. I was clenching my fist so hard my knuckles were white. The dog just passed me. I let out a big sigh of relief. I ran over to my sister, she was lying on the ground with blood covering her face and she was still crying in pain. I helped her up and a flap of skin fell off of her face. I kept thinking to myself, “Why did this happen to me especially on a day like this?” I never actually thought that I would see something like this happen to my sister. Someone so innocent did not deserve something like this, especially at the age of three.
When we got inside my mom immediately took her to the hospital. I just wanted to go outside and sit down and on my way out I saw red drops of blood on the ground. My cousin was enraged that his dog did this to my sister. My uncle took the dog and went to a hotel with him because everybody was angry and upset and did not want the dog around.
After a few hours my family was waiting in anticipation to see my sister. My sister came back that night with nineteen stitches all over her face. This made me realize I can’t always worry about myself. I used to always think that my sister can take care of herself but I realize now that I need to watch out for her. After all she is my younger sister.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because oh how courageous my litter sister was to handle this.

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