A Risky Move | Teen Ink

A Risky Move

January 3, 2010
By sararudokas BRONZE, Liberty Twp., Ohio
sararudokas BRONZE, Liberty Twp., Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When the opportunity comes around to do something stupid, take my advice and don’t do it. You can run into a lot of trouble just by making one mistake. For example, letting you friends cut and color each others hair.

On a rainy summer day this past summer my friends, Mandi and Annie and I were all hanging out at Mandi’s house. We were really bored so we decided that we wanted to cut and color hair. So Mandi’s mom took us to Ulta. While we were looking for the right colors my nerves were building and I was thinking in my head the maybe this is a bad idea but I kept to myself and didn’t say anything. Finally we bought dark brown and blonde hair dye.

As we were driving home from Ulta, anxiety started to attack me. I was so nervous that I began to shake a little. I wasn’t sure if this whole was going to turn out well. As we finally pulled into Mandi’s driveway we all ran inside and stared to set up everything that we needed. Mandi’s mom made sure we set up tarps so that we didn’t get it on the carpet.

My friend Annie went first and sat down in the chair. She was praying someone might say this is a bad idea, but no one did. So she sat down in the chair and Mandi began to cut Annie’s hair. Mandi picked up the first piece of Annie’s hair and cut off almost 3 inches. It was a drastic change. When Annie saw how much fell to the floor I saw her eyes grow almost 4 times their normal size. I knew she wanted to back out now.

Mandi continued to cut and dye Annie’s hair and when she was all done it actually looked really good! I was shocked on how good it looked. Looking at Annie’s I jumped down into the chair and told Mandi that I was next I told her not to cut mine though, I was growing it out at the time. Well she put black streaks in mine like she did Annie’s. And some blonde ones. I was really excited for how my hair was going to turn out! I could hardly wait.

When Mandi said she was finished I ran to look in the mirror and I couldn’t really tell I difference, it was still wet. I liked it from what I could see. We cleaned up and threw everything away. There was hair all over the tarp from Annie’s hair. She was still in shock but I think it was a good shock.

Annie’s mom was on her was to get us and I was going back home with Annie. When here mom got there she couldn’t tell a difference in either of us, which was probably a good thing in case we weren’t allowed. When we got back to Annie’s we both started to dry our hair. When were finally drying our hair we looked at each other for the longest time. We slowly began to cry. Our hair looked horrible! Annie’s layers were all over the place and really short and I had a huge black spot in the back of my hair. As we were crying to each other we were trying to think of way we could fix it I told Annie she could just wear hers half-up-half-down. She told me I could just do get mine re-dyed.
We decided that it might not turn out that bad but it was still a mistake. We both knew at the time that it was a bad idea. I learned a lesson that day, think before you go threw with something.

The author's comments:
This was a Memoir.

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