But why papa? | Teen Ink

But why papa?

May 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Why? One word that can change perspectives and alter your view. In my opinion, why is one of the most powerful words that opens up your eyes to the inner workings of the world. My grandfather, Joe Quick II, loved the word. He would sit at the table with my siblings, usually individually, and teach. He would teach and lecture us about anything and everything, from art to ocean creatures, to history, to chemistry. You ask anyone who knew him, He was the smartest man they had ever met. He went to Florida State University for twelve years while working full time and raising a family. He left with a doctorate in chemical engineering. He worked mainly for Dow Chemical but he also worked as a marine biologist, working with sea life and drawing scientific diagrams of fish for scientists and textbooks. He even has patents for many of the most common aquarium filtering systems. The occupation he told the most stories about was his job of finding the reasoning behind large, mysterious deaths in populations of marine life. But above all of his hobbies and jobs, one thing shined above all, his love for teaching. He loved when kids would ask him questions. Any question you have, he could answer it. How do radio waves work? How come blue flowers are so rare? How do ballpoint pens work? How do spiders molt? But his favorite question, above all, is why.

 ¨But why papa?¨ my oldest sister, Sarah, would ask him, his eyes would light up and he would beam, and dive deeper into his topic.

My Mother was a kindergarten teacher, and my grandfather regularly came in as a speaker and taught her class science lessons. He was an expert botanist and once, before a science lesson about plants he walked in from outside using a massive elephant ear plant leaf as an umbrella (see image on page 3), kids were mystified and it would always spark conversation and questions from the little ones.

And now I sit in an elementary school art class, explaining color to a kindergartener who is struggling with color mixing in art.

 ¨White paint will disappear when mixed with black paint, that's why you want to start by adding black to white when making grey.¨ The student next to the one I'm working with turns to me and asks,

¨But how do I make it turn brown?¨

¨ Well, that ones more tricky¨ I say bending down to their table ¨You want to add the primary colors, red, yellow, and blue, see?¨ I demonstrated by adding a small amount of red, yellow, and blue to a tray. I let go of their brush and let them mix it together. they glance at me, then at the now brown paint, back at their brush and then they turn their head toward me and ask, 

"But why Mr. Quick?¨ My eyes light up and I beam at this small unsuspecting five year old, who just brightened my life a bit more. I sit down and start to explain, continuing the cycle of teaching once again.

The author's comments:

My name is Samuel Quick, I'm an aspiring art teacher to high school/Middle schoolers. my moms side of the family is full of talented teachers and my dads is talented artists. It's a perfect mix of the two and I love it!

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