Nobody's Perfect | Teen Ink

Nobody's Perfect

March 12, 2019
By amoody7 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
amoody7 BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
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You ever have that one crazy memory that just stuck out more than others? Have you ever had that one artist that kinda changed the way you looked out on situations from then on out. My childhood had a lot of crazy memories throughout. But the one memory that I remember is, always listening to my favorite artists. I always remember blaring the songs with my mom in the car when we went to the store, school or to appointments, didn’t matter. One day that I was home, my grandmother came over. She had something in her hand.

She said, “Okay Alexis, sit down and then I will give you your surprise.”

I tried to see what it was but I couldn’t see what it was. I was so excited! She showed me and it was my first Hannah Montana album of my own! I was jumping up and down. I couldn’t wait to listen and jam out to my favorite album ever. I do remember when I grabbed the CD. I ran into my room and put it in my music player. I looked at the back of the album. I tried to find one of my  favorite songs, “If we were a movie”. I blared it so loud, all of the music notes filled my ears.

The day that I got my first album by Hannah Montana, there was so much excitement going through my body. I was about 6 or 7 when I got my first CD. My mom and I used to blare the music in the car and we would sing together! Whenever we got into the car, I would keep repeating myself. “Mom, mom, mom, play Hannah Montana, please!!” We wouldn’t leave the driveway of our house unless the songs were playing. I would always want to go with my mom everywhere after I got the CD!  She would always make it so much more fun instead of me just listening to it all myself in my room. My mom loved listening to it with me! She knows all the words to all of the songs. She probably didn't want to know all of the songs but since I was so obsessed with Hannah Montana.

The one song that stuck out a little more than the rest of them was, “ Nobody’s Perfect” That was the song that made me always think about making it seem that not everyone is perfect, 24/7. Everyone made mistakes, all the time, didn’t matter who they were. Even Hannah Montana was not perfect herself. The song made it seem like it was okay for me to make mistakes and not be perfect.  It made me think how I may be having a rough day or two but I can still get through this. I always thought, my little 7 year old self, you do not have to be perfect all day, every single day of your life. The song says, you may make mistakes but you have to get keep doing it until you get it right. And one day, you will!  

When we got home from the store, or from school, I would have my mom take out the CD of Hannah Montana. Then I would walk myself into my room and play it on my TV and have the volume up so loud. I used to also put it on the TV down in the living room with my mom when we would clean the house. I would kinda help her. But I would mostly just jam out to all of the songs and sing my little heart out. My mom and I, we would drive around what felt like forever. The songs were my theme song. They were my theme songs because, I would play them oh so often and soon they would just be apart of me kinda. They would always be stuck in my head and would repeat themselves over, over, over and over again! I don’t remember one day for like a straight year that I wasn’t listening to any Hannah Montana song. Even now that I am older, the song “Nobody’s Perfect” still has an effect on me. When you get older, you get more responsibilities and more people expect more from you. When you get older, you realize that nobody is perfect and not every person that you look up to you is perfect either. I get that now and it makes a lot more sense. I did have a pretty crazy childhood but out of the memories that I remembered. Getting my first album of my own, was definitely my favorite.

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