Music Taste | Teen Ink

Music Taste

October 24, 2018
By pizzamandan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
pizzamandan SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Blundering bass, heavy metal screams, and enchanting upbeat jazz battle to stand out among the melodies resonating through the house. Downstairs, while piecing together 5000 piece puzzles, Father concentrates while Zeppelin and Floyd play peacefully like a river slowly slithering down a mountain. Gentle and innocent to psychedelic and mystical, now the Beatles enter evolving over each rotating record. Occasionally displaying his inner 20 year old, Guns N Roses meets AC/DC, as the old man revives his youth attempting to rock as heavy as Axel and Brian.

Mr. Sinatra’s voice soars through the speakers filling the air with love and happiness as my mother returns from running errands. Rob Thomas adds to the disorder of diverse ditties, providing a modern rock lyric in a majorly classic assortment. Wholesome, encouraging, and joyful, Mother relishes rocking around the house reciting her favorite riffs.

Anna protrudes from the family norm listening to the despised country and bluegrass music. Adventurous in her music experimentation, she guides my father and I to new songs and artists. Often creating organized playlists extracting a certain type of tune, my sister has ballads for every human emotion.

I am the America of our family, a massive melting pot of genres and artists. Willing to examine any music that presents itself.

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