Who Inspires you | Teen Ink

Who Inspires you

March 27, 2011
By Mathew Douglas BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Mathew Douglas BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Me: Hey Cooper who inspires you to be who you are ?

Cooper: Well…um there is a lot of people, but I have to go with my grandmother.

Me: How does this person inspire you?

Cooper: Well… let’s see um… she has been through a lot in her life and has gone threw ovarian cancer and she is a survivor… um… and… I just think that… um part of my upbringing and part of my good nature comes from her and everything she has taught my over they years.

Me: Um… they thing with your grandmother surviving cancer, can you tell me more about that?

Cooper: Oh…um… ok… well it was really scary when we found out, it was a total surprise because my grandmother is really really healthy person, it just proves that cancer can strike the most random people but…um… my grandmother got ovarian cancer and I found out around I want to say 2005 this happened…um and I haven’t seen her since we found out until a year after that when I went down to San Antonio for a family reunion, and it was just weird seeing her with no hair and…um and just… um seemed a lot different then she always been…um it wasn’t great because she couldn’t do everything she wanted to do she couldn’t take a long walk… but, I think emotionally she stayed in their and uh… being one of the most emotionally strong people I know.

Me: So, when you…uh found out your grandmother had cancer give me some examples on how you felt?

Cooper: oh…well…um… I was scared because I did not know what was going to happen… um… I didn’t know what to expect… um… because no one in my family really got cancer before so, this was a first feeling for me…um… so yeah I was scared and um… nervous…um… think that is pretty much on how I was feeling.

Me: So why did you think that um…um…why did you think you felt scared at that time?

Cooper: Well, because my grandmother is one of the most important people in my life and…uh… and I didn’t know how I would deal with losing her and having had three deaths in the family before that time, my aunt, and both my grandparents on my mother’s side it was really tough on me when I was a little kid so, I just didn’t want it to continue again so that every one or years someone else dies in my family I just didn’t know if I was ever going to deal with it.

Me: So how does this person’s inspiration effect you, in like in your everyday life?

Cooper: Well, I think that my grandmother…um… set done some good base for my personality and for just the way I act…um… so she is their like on a day to day bases when I have to make all my tough decisions and when I get angry as we both know that I can get uh, a little angry sometimes so think she is their for me when I start to get a little angry and she knows how to calm me down and knows how to help me figure out what to do.

Me: So how would you repay this person for all the done for you?, for all the inspiration?

Cooper: Well…um… I don’t know I just think for everything she taught me and if I ever have kids and grand kids I want to try to raise them the best I can…um…uh, yeah that’s wait I would do.

Me: just an add on, do you have any regrets regarding this story?

Cooper: Um… well, yes there is some times were I can lose my patience even with her and uh…um, she usually the one calming me down, sometimes I just get angry and everyone has those days were you just can’t stand the people in the room… um… and so I have some regrets with the ways I acted, I feel that this person has had one of the biggest impacts in my life.
Me: Well, thank you so much for your time.

Cooper: No problem.

The author's comments:
what inspired me to write this paper is because i want to know what inspires other people.


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