Scotland's Next Top Model | Teen Ink

Scotland's Next Top Model

December 22, 2010
By HannahElizabeth BRONZE, Aberdeen, Other
HannahElizabeth BRONZE, Aberdeen, Other
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Glitz, Glamour, Fame and Fashion....Ah wouldn’t we all love to be Kate Moss for the day? Modelling is a profession many of us would love to be involved in yet the doors of the industry are usually bolted shut to those without a VIP ticket. So to be told you have the potential to become a model is a compliment we would adore to have bestowed upon us, and this is what kick started aspiring teen model Jade Jones’ journey.
Jade is seventeen years old, living in Aberdeen Scotland and currently studying for her higher exams. She is a fun loving, ordinary teenager who studies hard and enjoys being around friends but Jade has an extraordinary experience to share. Recently she was invited to a top London photography studio to get her foot in the door of the modelling world. Jade’s look can best be described as girl next door with a rebellious edge slightly resembling someone we just can’t put our finger on... “I have been told I look like Daisy Lowe on a few occasions,” Ah indeed the sassy, sultry, gorgeous Daisy Lowe. But how would this soon to be famous model describe her particular look? “My style is very diverse, I like a bit of everything when it comes to fashion,” We met with Jade to find out about her experience.
First we thought a few standard questions should ease the lovely young girl into our interrogation session, what her favourite magazine was for example, “Oh Glamour of course,” just what we love to hear, favourite clothing store? “New look,” ah yes this girl is fantastic in our books, high street fashion all the way. And style icon, “Katy Perry! She has so much diversity in how she acts and dresses, she’s so out there and unique yet gets it right every time. I think she is an inspiration to every teenage girl,”
It has not always been Jade’s dream to become a model, “My friends and family convinced me I had the potential to do modelling work, and I began to think of it more and more,” Little did Jade know that these comments were the beginnings of a new, exciting career.
Jade’s photo shoot was held courtesy of Diesel Models, who help new faces get their foot in the door of a usually tightly closed industry. They assist aspiring models in finding their strengths and weaknesses and also take a chosen few down to London to par take in a professional shoot. “When the opportunity presented itself I jumped at the chance, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity,” We asked Jade to share her experience with us and she was only too happy to humour us. “My mum actually applied for me online at Diesel Models, and a week later I got a phone call asking me to come to London for a photo shoot to build a modelling portfolio. They felt I had the right “look”. When we got there it was straight to hair and makeup which initially took half an hour after which I went through three different hair and makeup changes. Then I was turffed to the photography studio, it felt so surreal to be in that position it was amazing. The photographer was so friendly and helpful when I had to pose; which I was particularly nervous about. My outfits were fantastic, my hair and makeup were amazing, it all felt so glamorous. We had a series of indoor and outdoor shoots and the experience really was worth it, except from the shoe pain, but I soldiered on through it.” This proves that beauty really is pain. “I enjoyed every part of the experience. I literally LOVED the entire thing, especially being all dressed up it was fantastic.”
Jade tells us that the experience has made her more determined than ever to pursue her dream modelling job, “it was a real confidence boost, the experience was a lot of fun and it has given me a great deal of insight into the modelling world and now I love being in front of the camera,”
Of course within the modelling world there are many types of models from catwalk to artistic, but what we want to know is what should we expect to see Jade doing? “I’m most interested in magazine or catalogue modelling, there is just no way I could manage catwalk in the heels they wear, I’d get nosebleeds at the altitude!” According to Jade’s relatives she is a changed young girl since her modelling experience, she has come out of her shell and is much more willing to try new and exciting things. “My family are very supportive of me, and my choices, they’re very excited for me too,”
Of course with today’s society good things always have their pit falls, and we just had to ask how the issue of size zero appears to our fresh faced young interviewee, “Size zero in my opinion is disgustingly small, modelling agencies which promote extremely skinny models make teenagers think that they are too fat or abnormal when in fact they are a reasonable size. I think it’s really bad that we are bombarded with pictures of skinny people who have been airbrushed; it has such a negative impact on teenagers and just people in general,” Thank goodness because Jade really has a lovely shape, most of us would adore showing off.
Jade has high hopes for her future academically as well as in the modelling industry, but what we want to know is what she will do next. “It would be great to be able to get modelling work as a result of my portfolio, but either way I don’t mind the experience was valuable to me. Right now I will focus on getting through my examinations and go to university to study either art or primary teaching.” Beauty and brains...well aren’t we jealous?
In meeting Jade we can safely say she is going places, whether it is in the modelling, art or teaching field, she is an exceptional girl and a total inspiration to any young woman whose dream is to get into the world of modelling. Jade would like to offer this advice to those wishing to follow in her footsteps, “Go for it, apply, research and don’t give up,” Jade’s foot is firmly in the door of the industry and she holds the potential to take her to the top of the modelling world indefinitely.

The author's comments:
This is an interview I conducted in December 2010 with my best friend. It was a pleasure to interview her she is a fantastic girl, very ambitious and I know she is going to go very far.


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