Interviewing a pageant director | Teen Ink

Interviewing a pageant director

May 17, 2010
By airiana BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
airiana BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What all do you have to do first when starting a pageant?
There is a lot or research and planning.

What is the normal amount of contestants you normally have in International?
We accept of 50 per division. We have 6 divisions.

What is required when participating in your pageant system?
A Great personality. Contestants participate in evening gown, interview, personal introduction and fun fashion competition.

What made you want to start your own pageant system?
After competing for many years, I thought that I could bring something a little different and special to the pageantry industry.

What problems do you face as a national pageant director?
Sometimes, people aren’t as nice as what we would expect them to be. But, the good times far outweigh those concerns.

How many states are involved in your pageant system?
The system is open to all states and all countries. I’m not sure how many states will be covered this year. So far, we have more than 30.

How long have you been doing this pageant?
We are now in our third year of crowning.

How long have you been involved in pageants?
I’ve ne involved in pageants for 18 years.

What is your favorite part about hosting the pageant?
The final production and seeing the girls having a great time.

How do you get into your pageant?
Girls and parents can visit,

Do you like being a pageant director? If so why?
Yes. At the end of the day, there are really long and lasting friendships made throughout the pageant world, even as a director.

What type of pageant is IJM (International Junior Miss)?
IJM is considered to be a natural pageant.

What is the difference between Glam pageants and Natural pageants?
Natural pageants don’t allow make-up and add-ons on younger contestants. Most glam pageants require make-up and lots of flash to win the pageant.

What do you think of when watching Miss America?
I just sit back and enjoy the production and route for my favorite person.

What type of gown would you suggest for a 13 year old doing a pageant for the first time? IJM has no stipulations on gowns as long as it is age appropriate and fits the contestant well. Personally, I believe ball gowns; mermaid gowns or flowing gowns work well for 13 year olds. It also depends on the body type (Meaning Curvy or Not).


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