How To Start Organizing Your Closet | Teen Ink

How To Start Organizing Your Closet

February 12, 2024
By Anonymous

Organizing your closet can be tough for those who don’t know where to start, but once you get into the swing of it, it becomes easier. “I take everything out,” Nicole Boudreau, an expert organizer, with a flawless system says. A blank canvas is always a painter's best friend. “You take all your clean clothes and put them in a pile, and you take your dirty clothes and go wash them.” Creating a space to work and having a space to put your clothes is going to be your first step. 

Sorting is step number two, once you have all of the dirty clothes out of the way, “You sort by short sleeves, long sleeves, pants, and shorts” says Boudreau. Drawers, especially sock drawers are hard to keep organized. Using bins inside of your sock drawer can help get a start on good organization. “I have little bins inside the dresser for short socks, long socks that are plain white, long socks that are plain black, and long socks that are fuzzy. It’s a little crazy,” says Boudreau.

Putting everything away is going to be your third step, after everything is sorted out. “You put it away by color, not necessarily rainbow order but where it fits. I have more blue and so all of the blues go together. Another thing I do is an ombre, so I will put my pinks next to my reds and that next to the orange.” With a double stacked closet it can be easier to put the clothes that you have more of in a color on the bottom, and more of your miscellaneous pieces on the top. “The colors I wear the most are together as well,” Boudreau says.

“At the beginning of each season I flip the hanger, so by the end of the season I know what I didn’t wear and I can donate it to Goodwill,” Boudreau says. This is an excellent way to help clear out your closet at the end of the year and start on organization. 

Organization is a simple task and you need to work out a pattern or system that works best for you.

The author's comments:

This piece helps those who may struggle getting the key to organization.

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