Humans f Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans f Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By SophiaG BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
SophiaG BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I don’t ever really open up to people. I feel like you don’t know who you can trust. You can’t control what other people do with information about you. I’m an introvert for the most part, I have the most energy when I’m alone. I don’t like spending every day, every week, every moment with people. It’s nice to just have that alone time. I don’t really remember some of the happiest moments of my life, mostly because every moment I have, there's an aspect of being nervous. My biggest challenge is balance. I have to balance academics and family life. I play the flute so I have auditions and solo parts. Right now what I’m most afraid of is not getting the classes or recommendations that I’m looking forward to. Most of my life I’ve spent working up to that point so im scared of living with not getting those recommendations. The pressure you put on yourself, it’s the hardest part about academics; always trying to do better than what you did last time because it’s very competitive. I guess not competitive necessarily with other people, but competitive with myself. I feel like always trying to improve over the last time I did that thing was, always trying to get a better grade on tests and do this better in a solo. I regret this feeling of being nervous to try new things. I feel I most regret doing that when I was younger. Now it’s more important to have extracurriculars and things outside of school. I was too nervous to try those when I was younger from fear of failure. I’d have more things to do if I’d tried them. One of the biggest challenges is to get myself to go outside of my comfort zone. I feel like that makes me nervous a lot, trying new things and the fear of failure.”

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