Humans of Parsippany | Teen Ink

Humans of Parsippany

February 5, 2024
By annabellew BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
annabellew BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I haven’t seen my cousins for two years. Sometimes I like to keep in contact with them. You know when your younger and your like “oh I can’t wait to be 13 and like do all the stuff with my friends”? I would say that I’m living the life that I wanted to. When I was little my nonna she gave me and my sister nuts, we can’t have nuts because were allergic. My sister threw up projectile throw up all over the place and it got on my feet. I start crying, and, I get really anxious because I hate the sound and the smell and the feeling of it, and I hate when people do it around me. Advice for my younger self could be how toxic people could be. I wanna have a lot of kids, not a lot, but I wanna be able to have a good house and spoil them, and to be successful and have money. My friends and my family make me love my life, when we all hangout and laugh and eat a lot.

Interviewed By: Annabelle Wall

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